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Measurement While Drilling
      Promulgator :admin      Time:2016-05-08
from traditional contact pin structure during vibration.

Features and Benefits 
◆ Retrievable positive pulse MWD
◆ Ground wireless communication equipment, no need to lay out cables
◆ Connect each module by patent technology, do not need multi-pin plug
◆ Modularized design, easy for update and maintenance
◆ Adopt high precision sensor component 
◆ Available for selecting gamma and resistivity module and depth measuring system

◆ Oil & Gas drilling project
◆ Coal mine construction
◆ Tunnel and non-dig construction
◆ Slim well orientation/horizontal operation

Main Technical Parameters

 Mud viscosity   ≤140s (funnel viscosity)
 Mud Density   ≤2.5 g/cm3/0.09 lb/in3
 Mud sediment    <1%
 Pulse signal strength   0.5MPa~2.0MPa
 Mud flow rate    10~55L/s 
  (2.2~12.1 gal/s)
 Battery working hours    200 hrs( with gamma)
  /300 hrs( without gamma)

Parts for  optional  
◆ Depth System

 Depth System   0~9999.99m
◆ Nature Gnamma Module                                                              

 Measure Range




 Sensitivity  2.2CPS/API  
 Vertical resolution  172mm  
 Max data memory    300 hrs@10s/record  


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